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Pat Hadley
- PhD student
- University of York
- Website: www.york.ac.uk/archaeology/research/research-students/hadley/
- Twitter: @PatHadley
I am an archaeologist interested in prehistory, multi-sensory dissemination, public engagement and digital media (not necessarily in that order).
My core archaeological interest is in European prehistory, particularly the Mesolithic. This is reflected in my current PhD research, my undergraduate research and my participation in fieldwork at Star Carr. You can also find more of my musings at my research-related blog Think|Dig|Write|Share.
I have a keen interest in archaeologists moving 'beyond text' in all of their work: from data recording and analysis (eg, 3D and spatial data) to academic dissemination and public engagement. Archaeology has a good track record for engaging with visual material but not always in the most sophisticated manner. The discipline's relationship with sound, haptics, kinaesthetics and so on, is generally in need of more attention.
Archaeology has had a traditional remit as a discipline which conserves and records first and engages wider audiences second (if at all). I think that this is counter-productive - after all, who are we recording and preserving for? A discipline that does not engage in broader dialogues with diverse audiences will have little support in funding crises and has little social justification beyond it's own enclave.
I am keenly interested in how archaeologists use new media both as public engagement tools and within 'expert' communities. I am a keen advocate of Open Access publishing in academia and recently signed the Open Access Pledge. I am a Wikipedia evangelist and believe it's one of the most positive projects for knowledge organisation the internet has produced. My Wikipedia user page shows a little of my work. I can also (often) be found ranting on twitter: @PatHadley